about us
New Valley Company for Mineral Resources and Oil Clay (Wadico). It is one of the companies of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources. It was established in May 2007 as an Egyptian joint stock company subject to Investment Law No. 8 of 2007 and the provisions of Law No. 159 of 1981 and its amendments.
The purpose of incorporation
- The company was established with an authorized capital of 100 million Egyptian pounds, of which 12.5 million Egyptian pounds were paid.
- Providing advisory services in the economics of operating and exploiting mineral and quarry raw materials, oil shale and carbonaceous.
- Preparing economic and technical feasibility studies for the establishment of mining, oil shale and carbon projects.
- Exploration and extraction of mineral ores, minerals, oil shale and carbonate and maximizing their exploitation by processing them and conducting any industrial operations on them.
- Providing technical services in the field of chemical and geochemical analysis of samples and rocks, and preparing studies and special reviews.